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Sex & Tragedy | Lust Thrust Thursdays
The Tragic Nature of Desire

Let’s face the tragic nature of desire. Not exactly titillating, but bear with me, I’m marching towards a point with a pink dildo-shaped spear.
Sex and tragic ends are linked so closely together, there are evolutionary data to back it up. Just think of dystopian novels and how the main character and the love interest are sexually charged regardless of death being so imminent. From an evolutionary standpoint, that’s the biological imperative of continuing our species kicking in. From a practical standpoint, if things look shitty, let’s at least get some.
Now let’s look at what literature tells us.
Madam Bovary, Flaubert
Emma Bovary suffered through a marriage so dull, it makes the 9–5 corporate cubicle life appealing. She falls into a deep depression. She manages to find happiness through two short-lived affairs. Then commits suicide.
The Sun Also Rises, Hemingway
Jake Barnes is in love with Lady Brett Ashley and mopes because his privates were blown off in war — or at least that’s we’re led to think. Ashley is madly in love with Barnes but doesn’t pursue a relationship with him because faithfulness would mean the end of her sex life. This was meant to represent the aimless search…