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Are you still sizzling from Aries season? The stove has been turned off and the little pops of grease on the pan are slowing down to a stop. At least what feels like a stop if you are always on the go.
Taurus season is here to slow down the pace. This is a time to prioritize pleasure and money flow. Plan out your next move. Connect to the corporeal world: plants, food, bodies. Do whatever makes you feel sensual and luxurious.
If you surrender to this new pace and allow the energy current to carry you along, you will come across opportunities to improve your love life. Taurus is a romantic sign (ruled by Venus, after all), with love languages of Gift Giving and Physical Touch. Take your time with sexual experiences. Build momentum with massages and foreplay.
And of course, careful not to be stubborn. Get comfortable with trying new things and taking your time to get used to them. You have a month to surrender and just let the world happen.
The Tarot spread below takes into account how Taurus season is a time to come back to earth. Yes, get to the earthly pleasures, but also remember that some of those pleasures are only accessible after a certain amount of work. That’s where your finances come in.